import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Data for the graph
years = [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
active_users = [500, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000]
revenue = [7608.792, 22826.376, 152175.84, 1521758.4, 15217584, 152175840, 1521758400]
# Create a plot with a night mode theme'dark_background')
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
# Plotting the first curve for active users (blue curve)
ax1.set_xlabel('Years since Launch')
ax1.set_ylabel('Active Users', color='cyan')
ax1.plot([0.16] + years, active_users, 'o-', color='cyan', label="Active Users")
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='cyan')
# Annotating the data points for active users
for i, txt in enumerate(active_users):
ax1.annotate(f'{txt}', (years[i-1] if i > 0 else 0.16, active_users[i]), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0,10), ha='center', color='white')
# Create a second y-axis for the revenue (green curve)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel('Revenue (USD)', color='lime')
ax2.plot([0.16] + years, revenue, 'o-', color='lime', label="Revenue")
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='lime')
# Annotating the data points for revenue
for i, txt in enumerate(revenue):
ax2.annotate(f'{txt:.0f}', (years[i-1] if i > 0 else 0.16, revenue[i]), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0,10), ha='center', color='white')
# Adding title and improving layout
plt.title('Projected Growth of Active Users and Revenue (Night Mode)')
# Show the plot